
Depths of Wonder

Made in the image of God! How could one even begin to describe the depths of that wonder? 
The earth was without form, a void surrounded its depths, yet you hovered over it. The sense of your expansion is too hard to fathom. Elohim, you alone are the creator. Only you possess the power and sovereignty to create something out of nothing. You tell us your name so that our love for you is deepened. You enlarge our admiration for who you are and strengthen our faith. How marvelous are you, God! When you speak dust becomes life and within it the authority to rule over every animal on the earth. You entrusted us to tend and keep your creation with good intentions to help us prosper. Open our ears to hear your voice and wisdom to distinguish the difference. Let us not be led astray by the lies of the enemy, betraying the authority and trust you freely gave to us. Help us to be good stewards of your creation. Expand our love so that we aspire to be an honorable, respectable, forgiving, armor-bearer of our brothers. May our lives resemble a life of Christ. Show us how to keep our eyes on heaven while resting in your Word. Even in our doubts, our shame, and our fear You never stop pursuing us. When we are tempted and fall into the trap of the enemy you never relent in calling our name. Your hand is always extended in mercy ready to comfort our brokenness. You truly are a God of goodness.


  • Becky


    I can tell in your words how much you Love our Father. There is so much love and emotion expressed in your words as you write. Your studies seem to come from deep within your heart. I feel such joy as I study the scripture for each month. The Words you give in your ” Encouragement” category was too inspiring. How could it not be when we really understand how marvelous and who our Heavenly Father IS!

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