
  • Encouragement

    Willingly Treading

    Day 54: Let’s set the scene. The birds are just beginning to wake but they aren’t as loud. The rain has taken over the earth’s symphony creating a dance my heart cannot help…

  • Encouragement,  Raw

    Free Fall

    This past week, I crumbled. Everywhere I looked was brokenness, anguish, defeat, loss, despair, lies, loneliness, death, resentment, and it all just kept coming. I couldn’t take one step without it weighing on…

  • Encouragement

    FCS Assembly

    This past summer I stayed awake at night with FCS (The Fellowship of Christian Students) weighing heavily on my heart. There were so many questions and concerns laid before the feet of Jesus.…

  • Encouragement

    Dear Fatherless,

    Although your story is different, it is uniquely yours. Maybe you are not celebrating the comfort of growing up with an earthy father that provided for your needs. Maybe your father let you…

  • Encouragement


    WOW! WOW! WOW!  I cannot believe we are closing our 2nd year of Reckless Abandonment and moving into the 3rd.  The depths of God we have discovered together is just mind-blowing. It has been…

  • Encouragement,  Raw


    It took so long for me to transform my brain into believing rest was a gift from heaven. That rest was supposed to be what my heart, soul, and mind needed.  I am…