Encouragement,  Raw,  Thoughts

Dots & Dust

Dots and dust are all they are. 

I wonder if they’ll ever see how remotely small they are to me. Creator Father created them out of the dust of my surface, breathed the wind of my being into their lungs. He even called them beloved. I was so in awe of their essence. Their very presence was soothing and life-giving. They had the authority to name everything within me. They breathed the same air Creator Father gave me. It was a delight for them to eat of my fruit and dance upon me. These dots of dust were not limited to the shores of my seas. Feeling them discover by climbing the brightest mountains and scouting the vast valleys – nothing brought me more joy than dwelling among the beloved. Creator Father would come and visit our dots of dust and I would lavish in His presence. He loved my garden. It was only a small part of me but oh how He loved Eden. Eden was my secret place with Creator Father, a lot has changed within me since then. Time and years can do a lot to a surface when turmoil is its curse. All because man was too greedy, they had to know sin. But what is sin when heaven created your depths and breathed life into your existence! The nature of who I am, calls deep from within my depths. Return my King. Walk with me again. Restore these dots, my dust from within.

Creator Fathers Son came, I rejoiced in His birth. He calmed my raging seas. Spoke life into bones. He walked on my surface and glided upon my waters. Jesus was here with me once more, only to be bruised and beaten, rejected and slain all because man couldn’t understand. I trembled that day. Aghast at the sight. Dots from dust murdered the Son of God! My depths cried out that’s the Son of God, the Creator Fathers Son! Then I heard the voice of Creator Father and I knew it wasn’t in vain. I waited in grave anticipation, awaiting the glorious day. Jesus came alive, His blood completely repaid. I lavished in His love, soaked in every footprint. The little boy who grew to be the Messiah was alive again, breathing the air Creator Father gave Him. Oh, how I love him. How my very being cries out to Him. 

Dots and dust, they do not know. The beauty You gave isn’t in hiding – it is right here. I am on display. You gifted me to all these dots of dust. Creator Father, show them the way. May they sing Your praise and cry out Your name. Remind them of the blood You shed on their behalf.

I sing the song of redemption with a hope they can hear it. Beauty for ashes covered in reckless love. 

Bless my dots of dust Creator Father until my new self is created. Make them all new like my secret garden of Eden. Return them to their first love. I know You walk and never leave them.

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