
FCS Assembly

This past summer I stayed awake at night with FCS (The Fellowship of Christian Students) weighing heavily on my heart. There were so many questions and concerns laid before the feet of Jesus. I barely took a breath. But the question I asked myself is what started it all – “What is it you know about Jesus?” I remember laughing with my answer because it was short and long and everything in-between. But there has always been that one thing, a bible. You need a bible to be able to grow your relationship with the Lord. 

For me giving bibles away or buying someone there first one ever has always brought my heart great joy. I know it is a privilege to be able to buy one and read it freely. And getting to bless someone with a book that will literally transform their life inside and out – WOW! A book that will lead them into truth, life, and a freedom their souls long for makes me tear up even now. 

So as the sponsor for FCS at the school where I work, that is exactly what I wanted to do for the students of the club. I started off with a goal of 50. Just 50 bibles, journals, stickers, pens, and bible tabs. There was no way I could do it alone so that is when the Amazon Wishlist came into play. I posted countless videos so everyone could be a part of this blessing. The unboxing left me a sobbing mess because everyone came together to bless teenagers they didn’t know. 

I had a lot of people ask me how come I picked such an expensive bible. I know the best isn’t always do-able. A lot of times it just isn’t reality but when I laid FCS before the throne, I told God I wanted these kids to know they were deeply loved and not alone. I wanted to bless these students with the best because God is worth their everything because they are worth everything to Him. I was dead set on doing my best to present them with the best.

Yes, the bible was a leather-bound study bible because I wanted to equip them with the one book that will save their soul and speak truth into their lives, not only for a season but forever. I wanted this gift, from a community of believers to rock their socks off. To be something tangible they could hold in their hands, study, and call their own. A miracle that was theirs alone. 

I reminded the Lord that He was a God of abundance and a miracle working God. And man!!! I could have never imagined the outcome. 

Our first meeting of the semester happened in a classroom only to be moved to the auditorium the following week. I had to up the number bibles two more times throughout the semester, making my goal 150. When I tell you I am struggling to type this up now through the tears… God makes a way where there seems to be no way. 

Through this whole movement because it is just that – a movement. I have been stretched and challenged in the best way. Sharing the gospel in 20 minutes is no easy task when you look out and see a bunch of young people hurt and in need of a hope, rescue, love, assurance, and truth. They each bring my heart great joy and great anxiety all at the same time. 

But the moment finally arrived to bless them with the gifts a community of believers prepared for them. 

Countless hours were spent highlighting over 15 scriptures in each bible. All having to do with emotions we deal with. Every cover was singed and dated. Packets were created with a pen, a highlighter, a journal, 2 worship CD’s, 3 stickers, and an encouraging letter. 

Our principle allowed us to hold a special assembly for the students of FCS. 

Matt Littlejohn from Lomax Assembly of God set the atmosphere with worship. He led us straight to the throne room and kept us there. Pastor Jody Hill from Verbena Methodist Church led us in opening prayer. I led a message on God being worth their yes. I walked them through Jesus calling normal people to follow Him and how their yes has transformed lives still to this day. Apostle Dennis Arnold challenged them to see a miracle for a loved one and then to imagine one for themselves. To believe and trust God for it. 

And when I tell you all you heard was sniffles from the start to the end… God met these young people that day. 

When the pastors arrived that morning and I told them about altar call, I mentioned I didn’t know what to expect. If 1 or 10 would come up. I want you to know almost every student came up to the altar. There aren’t words to describe what took place that morning. It was beautiful and it was extravagant, and it will last a lifetime. 

After they received their bibles, I had to dismiss them to class and no one wanted to leave. It was a beautiful morning with the Lord. I know I will never be the same. There were so many tears, so many hugs, and lives were transformed. 

128 bibles and packets were given out that day and more since. 

The reports keep coming in on what took place that morning and I want you to know they ARE forever changed. They are reading their bibles and making them their own. Parents are talking about the shift and are eternally grateful. 

Your prayers and support transformed lives of a generation! Keep them uplifted because God is nowhere near done with them yet. 

To those who gave – THANK YOU from the very bottom of my soul. The gratitude I have for every single one of you is beyond words. To read the thank you note – keep scrolling. 🙂

He is the God of abundance. The God of more than we could ever imagine. A God who is passionately in love with every single one of us.

** Over 300 Bibles were donated! (insert Hallelujahs being shouted from the rooftops with megaphones)

Dearest Love, 

I would like to express my deepest gratitude for your contribution to FCS, the Fellowship of Christian Students. Your donation is not only appreciated but powerful. It will benefit the students of Verbena High School not only for a season but a lifetime. Without your help and support this would have been impossible. 

We know that through the movement of the gospel, it brings forth the formation of our unique purpose in life. Knowing God and being a display of His love with our lives can only be known by being taught the truth of His character. And you have made a way for a student to build a personal relationship with The One who calls them by name. 

I speak blessings upon blessings over you and your life in its entirety. I call forth refreshing winds from the north, the south, the east, and the west to invade every molecule of your life. I speak peace into your mind and heart. The peace of heaven is yours, so breathe it in and claim it as so. Your life is one of favor and unspeakable joy because the God who cradles the stars holds you in the palm of His hand. You are known by the Great I Am. When we give, the Word tells us it will be given back in good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over. God is such a wonder and perfect Father! The students of FCS and I stand in great expectation of what is to come concerning your life. 

Thank you for your prayers concerning the students at VHS. Heaven will be crowded! 

For the King, Angela Owen

FCS Sponsor

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