
Dear Fatherless,

Although your story is different, it is uniquely yours. Maybe you are not celebrating the comfort of growing up with an earthy father that provided for your needs.

Maybe your father let you down so many times this day is nothing but a reminder of promises broken.

Maybe this day marks another year you are missing getting to celebrate your dad and you wish you could just hug him one more time.

Maybe you are trying to ignore the label this day holds and are going about it as any other.

Maybe it’s been such a long time, that the day doesn’t have an inkling of affect on you anymore.

Or maybe it does and you’re scrolling through social media wishing you could hear the words, “my child.”
Maybe I didn’t mention your exact situation but there is someone who calls you child.
He has called you child since before you were born. He chose you and loves you with an unconditional love. He cares for you and watches you in awe. His name is Yahweh. He allowed His son, Jesus, to come so that you could have a relationship with Him. He calls you by name and never lets you go. Abba provides all of your needs and knows your deepest desires.
Today, take a moment to sit still and let Him love on you. He desires to comfort your broken heart and heal all the places lacking.
You are NOT fatherless.

You are NOT unloved.

You ARE a child of a king.

You ARE loved more than you’ll ever know.

The one who created the heavens and the earth calls you child and you are HIS.

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