Encouragement,  Thoughts

Oh, How He Loves

Oh, how He loves us. 
Could anyone really explain the magnitude of such extravagant love? One of my favorite scriptures is from John, “Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.” 
I sit in awe at that. I picture John reliving every moment he spent with Jesus. Recounting His extravagant love for a stubborn, lost people. Retracing the Messiah’s footsteps like a child, mesmerized by the Savior of the world. I can hear the laughter in his throat as tears trickle down his face. How could so much love be possible and yet attainable. Alive and knowable. Perfect in humility, walking in heavens authority. John’s soul had to be undone and unknown in all that Jesus was. I can’t imagine him doing anything but sitting down lost in rest. Lost in the love he got to touch and see with his own eyes. Resting with peace in his soul and fire he couldn’t put out. A fire that consumes the hearts of those who read his words about the One True King right here, right now. 
Oh, how He loves us must have been the melody of his heart when he wrote such a simple verse.

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