
Passion Brought Us Here


Already, so much goodness has happened this month. Eeek! So much goodness to share. Starting in Mississippi. The road to arriving was a long one. Covid kept intercepting our plans, but God’s plan was so much bigger. 

The preparation on our part, changed us from the inside out. There is a lot that does not get seen by others when preparing yourself to be a light in the darkness. The early morning and late nights. The things you sacrifice, the research, the practice, time spent praying and seeking the Lord… And that is only naming a few. The only one who sees all of it is the one in whom it’s for. God requires us but it is not a burden to give Him all that we have, it is a joy and a delight. For me, I personally choose to give Him all that I have and all that I am. Do I have days where I just want to sit and do absolutely nothing, sleep in, and tell God I’ll do it tomorrow – yep! But that is where self-disciple comes in. And thank goodness I have my community that holds me accountable. 

Ministering to the people at New Life Worship Center was a beautiful long preparation of faith. We started with one plan and the more we sought God, the more it started to transform and align perfectly with His will. We all, New Life Worship included, expected God to show up and show out and oh, how He did. Even the preparation on New Life’s part included mega miracles. Their preparation saved a young man from certain death, welcoming him into the kingdom of heaven. Healing, hope, and rescue will forever be his and that was enough.

When we position ourselves to be used by God, heaven moves. Our light shines in the darkness and calls to those who need God’s rescue. We are a lighthouse amid the storm beckoning people home. Safety is found in the arms of the Father. All the things one could ever hope for are found in Him and this young man was saved from drowning, brought inside, and wrapped in perfect love.

Our night of ministry was a display of our heart towards the Father. Lives were touched by His truth. The glory of heaven was revealed in worship, and we were abundantly blessed to be invited into their house. Miracles happened. Lives were changed. God showed up and wrapped everyone in His perfect love. We too were forever changed. 

The following weekend was WORSHIP NIGHT! A prayer I have LONG believed for. 

The same is true for this preparation. It was a joy to give everything I had and then some. And it finally arrived. (Such high-pitched screams of joy that they are just silent) 

Those who attended blessed me. WOW! It is a joy to pour out your heart on the one who gave it all alongside other believers. 

It was a door for me to share the truth of the gospel and encourage others in their walk. Worship Nights have one goal – to refresh you. We are not trying to get you to join the ministry but invite you into God’s inner chambers. It is an invitation for you to be covered in the truth of the Word, loved, and redeemed through prayer. To give you an open invitation to worship the Savior. The Word tells us we can boldly approach the throne. If you are weary, tired, or just don’t know how – worship nights are for you. We were created to love God together, to seek God out together. When one of us struggles, we are supposed to be each other’s support. When one of us receive great blessings, we are supposed to be each other’s greatest cheerleaders. 

The testimony of my life is that God is worth your everything. I know it without a shadow of a doubt. I am confident in it. The work Jesus did on the cross is more than enough and it is stronger than your fears, your hurt, your disappointment… It is stronger than the grave. His love for you is worth your yes. Jesus’ love for you silences the fears, the anxiety, the what ifs… And in return perfect peace, perfect love, and perfect healing take its place. 

Lives were changed. Captives were set free. Blessings rained down from heaven and none of us will ever be the same. Refreshing came and called us higher. 

We are believing that Worship Nights will start happening once a month. And would be honored for you to believe with us and come for a night of refreshing. 

Bible Study also took place this past Saturday. Again, we were called higher. There is so much God has instore for us, and it is only found in His Word. Hearing God requires knowing the sound of His voice and that sound is found along every page of the Word. It is alive and active. It pierces through all our walls and makes a way for freedom and healing. We are commissioned to join together and read the Word. Paul tells us in Hebrews to not neglect it. Coming together holds us accountable. It reminds us that we are not alone in this life and that we have a community surrounding us in prayer. When we seek the truth of the Word together, enlightenment comes. Revelation comes. Confirmation comes. 

We dug into what this month has been all about in our Scripture Reading – A Heart of Courage. 

The truth of the Word permeated our souls and I so look forward to seeing everyone again on the 28th

So, that has been our last three weekends. Whew! Blessings upon blessings. 

Asking, seeking, knocking, and God opening the door inviting us in. I know I have forever been changed and my expectations of what’s to come…. There are hardly words. 

***I know a lot of you have reached out and requested LIVES and updates. And we are believing that one day all that falls up under making that happen, happens. But right now, we are giving God all that we can give, and it is enough.

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