Encouragement,  Thoughts

Existing is Captivating

I think there are ways people are beautiful not many people notice, or if they do notice they don’t talk about. The simple things that make someone who they are. The way they walk down a street or how they grab their coffee from the barista. 

If their eyes actually meet the eyes of the person, they are engaging with. I call it beautiful because if we take the time to look, we can see so much more than the actions that are the loudest. Something as simple and constant as breathing. Have you ever just watched a parent and child throughout the entire day? There are sighs of wonder, chuckles of laughter, hiccups, and exasperations. Can you remember falling in love? Or watching a romcom of someone else falling in love? There are moments that steal your breath away. Moments, you didn’t know you weren’t breathing until you started again. The sound of laughter mixed in with the sound of heart break. And it’s all so much, it is all so crazy, how it is mixed together so beautifully!

Breathing is an instinct. Breathing is a thing we don’t seem to notice unless emotions are raging. But a person simply existing, is captivating. 

Beauty is how they interact with others just as much as how it’s not. Watching someone’s hands, where they rest how they linger here or there. Tapping a foot or remaining perfectly still. It is unique how we all are so different and yet the same. We all portray who we are in telling signs for those who linger long enough to look. 

How quickly someone’s eyes can shift from despair to a shimmering hope. Or a raging storm to calm gentleness. The tilt of the head in acknowledgment or understanding. 

This beauty is also in the sound of our voice and how we listen. It goes such much deeper than surface level. Yes, people are beautiful, but it is not the beauty that fades we should hold onto and remember. It’s paying attention to the way we are sewn together. And it starts with us. It starts with how we fabricate our lives. 

When giving the opportunity to engage with others, which is daily, are we living out a beauty that’s captivating? Are gentleness and understanding what radiates from our hearts? Does our passion make room for itself and invite others in? Are we patient and full of peace when someone else’s storm is raging? How about when the storm is all but consuming us! Do we drown others with us or ask for help and do our best to navigate surviving it? 

This world is beautiful. People are beautiful. You are beautiful. God made everything we see, and He calls us all lovely. 

How much would change if we stood still long enough to be captivated by it all? How much would we change if we allowed ourselves to see the beauty within others that says, I am so much more. 

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