
Standing in Awe of God’s Love

Friday, my dad, and I had the honor to minister at Seed Time & Harvest Church.
They are a residential recovery ministry committed to restoring the lives of those bound by drug and alcohol abuse, prostitution, and gang involvement. 

All I can say is the way God loves His children makes me cry ugly tears. It doesn’t matter where we go or how far we go – He is faithful to meet us exactly where we are. And He not only meets us but throws His arms wide open and says, “Welcome home.” 

The amount of love in that room was overwhelming. As my dad and I spoke over their lives, tears streamed down my face. There were laughs shared. Hugs that felt like your soul was hugging theirs and a thanksgiving I cannot even begin to explain. 

You see, we were created to love one another and to love one another well. We prayed for 30 minutes of our car ride on the way up there. Just asking God to use us as He would. To expand our love and to guide our words. Then we just thanked God for the opportunity to share what we know about Him and the love and the rescue He has done for us, all our lives. 

When we position ourselves to be used by God – WOW!!! He is faithful to do a work. 

When you reach the point of being tired and all you pray for is death – God is right there! He is with you. You were not meant to do this life alone. God is a loving Father. You are not abandoned you are not forgotten. You are loved and there is an everlasting hand offering peace and rescue. All it takes is our willingness to say, yes. 

Your chains are undone. Your victory has been won. All it takes is your surrender. “Yes, Lord. Here I am!” 

It is not the first time to minister in this house. Pastor Lindsey and First Lady have become very dear to our hearts. And the kingdom work they willingly give their life to isn’t an easy one. But I have never witnessed such hearts for the broken and beat down. Where others would have walked away overcome, they both have approached the throne, believing God to be the I Am. It is a privilege to call them friends or a much better term, family. 

From the outside their ministry may look to be full of those who have been consumed by the world, lost, not worthy of another chance. But today, as I loved on every single person God had in that room. All I could think was, “Wow! You are in such a beautiful place with the Lord. You wake up getting to be surrounded and led by leaders who love you. They are the hand of God, a willing vessel, obedient in aiding in your rescue. You are safe within these walls and everything you need is well provided for. Your Pastor has walked where you have and maybe a lot more. He is a powerful shepherd who guards your heart and helps you discover who God created you to be. He reassures your mind and heart that you were created with a purpose and that you are unconditionally loved by your Father in heaven. No matter what you have done. No matter where you have been. It is ok you can’t look at your own reflection because God sees you and says, “You are worthy of my forgiveness. You are my delight. My child. I see you and I love you.” 

There was such life spoken in those few hours. Lives that were hanging in the balance were placed on solid ground and love abounded. 

All I can say is, Wow! What an awesome loving God we serve!

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