Encouragement,  Raw

Dancing on the Waves

Friday, I was invited to speak at the Foundry. For those who don’t know, the Foundry Ministries restores hope and rebuilds the lives of the addict and our community through Christ-centered Recovery and Rescue. 

Only a couple a weeks ago, I was talking to my prayer partner and in our conversation, I expressed how I missed people with hearts on fire. I miss being surrounded by a body of people being raw before the throne who are expecting God to encounter our hearts. I expressed how I felt like I could talk for hours about everything God has been teaching me and showing me. 

And how like God that I would be asked the following week to speak at two different events. 

What! What! What! Oh, man God is amazing. Truly and indescribably AMAZING!

I have literally cried happy tears everyday thanking God for the work He continues to do within me and the opportunities to grow all the more. 

I was told I had a full hour to speak. (Insert bug eyes) All I could say was “Ok, Lord. You’ve got me and this.” 

But as I started creating an outline, I ended up with 12 pages of notes. When I practiced – I cried my eyes out and it lasted 53 minutes exactly. YES!!!! Only Jesus!! 

From the moment I voiced my heart plea the song Dancing on the Waves flooded my spirit. (Whew, what a powerful song!) It was all I could hear. And only when I was getting ready Friday morning did it hit me. I had already woken up to texts from my other prayer partner. You can just cue the water works when it’s from her. So, between texts, prayer, and getting ready with God for Kingdom work – I was a mess (in the best way) Friday morning. 

My main scripture was from Matthew 14. When Jesus walked on the water, told the disciples to not be afraid, and only Peter risked that unknown step overboard to Him. God unloaded some precious, radical, gracious, wonderous truth for this lesson. He pulled it together with everything we have been studying in this month’s scripture reading along with last months and everything in-between. 

I was so pumped to share the lesson God laid out before me. Everyone who called or text me asked if I was nervous. Because if you know me, usually I am soooo nervous. I am nervous because I am so passionate about God! I usually talk 100 miles an hour or I completely leave out the key points I am trying to make because my brain just wants to give you everything I have ever attained about God. Or I stand there and cry because of the weight of knowing what God has done for us, for me. 

One very real fact that I battle is that my public speaking teacher looked me dead in the eye and said I would never be a good speaker because I get too emotional. I failed a lot of speeches for that simple fact. She told me to be a good speaker you must leave emotion out of it. I can still see her rolling her eyes when I would get teary eyed. Even though, I didn’t agree with her then and still don’t to this day. The enemy likes to whisper that memory whenever I have the opportunity to speak. He whispers my passion for God is annoying and no one wants to watch the tears. Ha! What a liar he is. My tears and passion are so special to my Father, my Creator. I believe in being real and vulnerable – it is what moves people. 

So here I am in my bathroom getting ready and BOOM revelation. The song Dancing on the Waves is a love song from God to us. And the reality of it just hit me again like it was the first time hearing the song. 

I have had to walk upon those waves’ multiple times – believing that He was faithful to guide me. Believing that if I were to walk, sink, swim, run, rest, even abide He would be there with me. And never has He failed me. Not once! 

So, here I am getting ready to share the truth of His love and He is saying, I can dance on the waves because of His unfailing love for me and my passion to know Him all the more. Let’s just say I had to take a few moments. 

Stepping out in faith may look like the biggest risk you have ever taken but man is it worth it. 

My hope and my prayer is that what I taught helped water the seeds already planted within the hearts of those guys. I know I experienced within myself how much God has weeded out and the parts He helped grow. I witnessed the sound of healing and freedom from my own lips and the declaration of His resurrection power. 

**That night when I was lying in bed, I was just thanking Him for the opportunity when I saw myself in our secret place. I ran into His arms with a joyous grin and as my arms wrapped around Him, I said, “Thank you for today.” (I even squeezed Him a little harder and He started chuckling squeezing me back.) “Thank you. And if today was the only opportunity I ever have, it was enough.” And I squeezed Him one final time and then turned and skipped off to the spot I was tending. I could feel His laughter filling the atmosphere and the grin on His face ignited my soul.  

I am far from perfect. And at times, I might be one the eleven scared to death on the boat. I am aware my teachings and speeches will not be perfect – but the bottom line of my heart is to run this race and to run it well. I am an in-perfect person loved by a perfect God and there is nothing He cannot do.

So, I will be dancing on the waves forever running into my Father’s embrace. Knowing the risk is well worth that one step.

For more information on The Foundry click HERE

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