Encouragement,  Thoughts

Full of His Essence & Grace

“Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.” – John 

I Am! There is no one like Him in all the earth. There never has been and never will be. 

My words are built on top of one another, like looking upon a closed book. God has been showing me the depths of who He is and all it can do is build itself upon itself. The way He’s teaching me is healing me, maturing me, nurturing me, restoring me, and setting me free. His delight is all around me. There is no denying His care concerning me, His daughter. 

Like John, I looked upon His greatness and sat in awe of His mighty love – so extravagant the world could not contain it if it were all to be written down. 

The testimony of Jesus is within every living thing, pulsating His majesty and splendor. Could you just imagine a grand library only filled with the testimonies of Jesus’ love? Every book would be full of every emotion imaginable and each one would contain the truth and power of His love. 

I asked God one time to make my life a grand library full of His essence and grace. I wanted my life to be a place where His glory dwelled and continuously built upon itself. I asked for my eyes to see His goodness and the displays of His magnificent wonders. 

I long to be captivated by His passionate love for the rest of my life. I do not want to only experience it in waves. I want the consistency of drowning in it. I long for it overtake me, filling every essence of my being. His love is the epic love story my soul longs for. And He is faithful to consume me. 

With each day that goes by, my book becomes more aware of His presence. My pages are starting to form the details of His world as it invades my own. The process is slow but patient. The Lord is gentle as He shows me the fine details that I have overlooked. He is patient as I run ahead, only to return to His arms. 

My soul is becoming more assured daily that my time spent in His presence is the reason I am alive. The world has become brighter. The wonders of His love are becoming more evident as I live out my days here on earth. The tasks set before me have transformed into opportunities to see His strength displayed through me. 

Before, I couldn’t see my library as “grand” but now I see the work began before I was born. My story and His have always been one. As I look back, I see the masterpiece of my life as it was written. As I walk back, I stand amazed of His presence in my life. 

There are still hidden mysteries that have yet to be revealed but I have reached the point where I wake up hoping today is going to be THAT DAY! And when I go to bed, I close my eyes believing I’ll reach that chapter soon. 

My story is still being built and the author of it has already told me how it will end. 

There will be a day when I see Him face to face. Until then, let Him continue writing.

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