Encouragement,  Raw


It took so long for me to transform my brain into believing rest was a gift from heaven. That rest was supposed to be what my heart, soul, and mind needed. 

I am not talking about doing nothing. I am talking about resting in God which is trusting God. Trusting that where my life was at the moment, doing the things God had before me – was enough. It was good and it was pleasing. 

Ah, the pleasing part. My mind was so convinced it wasn’t doing enough. Even though I was using every possible moment of my time to bring Him glory and honor. I am by no means claiming perfection. Just simply the attitude of my heart longed to please Him and display His kingdom. And my mind had been wired to believe it wasn’t enough even though I knew the Word says it was enough. 

It took some serious commitment on my part to remind myself of the truth of the Word. 

Depression was easy to fall into. Too easily actually. It was a pit full of tar that offered no escape. 

But in the midst of that despair, I would MAKE myself recall the Word. 

And when it felt like rescue wasn’t there – I would shut my brain off. I wouldn’t allow myself to complain or blame. I would sit in silence, trusting God. My flesh was not going to win. The truth of the Word was won for me, and my pit was nothing compared. 

My freedom didn’t happen in a day, a week, or even a month. It has taken constant practice but with each episode, I could tell I was getting better. Even if it didn’t seem like it. Every time I look back, I can’t help but see progress. 

If you would have asked me five years ago, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” I could have never imagined my present or even how my last five years have played out. And that’s ok. I wasn’t ever one with a “life plan.” My plan was to know God and oh man, how He has come through on that request. 

So, I just want to encourage you. No matter where you are in life at the moment. If you love God and are doing your best to be a man or woman after His own heart, then you are exactly where you need to be. Do the tasks He has before you with joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Put the Word before you and cling to it. Rest in the truth of it and trust God to be God. Trust that He sees you and hears you. Trust that you can be a light house right here and now. You are equipped to display heaven on earth. 

Ask God to show you what that means if you are unsure. He is faithful to answer. 

Being a good steward of your schooling, your possessions, your body, your family is all pleasing to God. Giving your best is enough. 

You are doing well. Don’t ever doubt it. 

Whatever you have before you. All the responsibilities. All the commitments. You are able because the God who created you from dust lives inside of you. And in your weakness, He is made strong. 

Get excited when you don’t have the strength to go on – that is when God can show out! 

I say to you, “Well Done.”

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