Encouragement,  Thoughts

Knowing You Well

This month’s scripture reading has been about living an intentional life. 

It takes practice to live this way and for obvious reason. 

Yesterday, I was sitting in a waiting room just reading a book, awaiting my turn to be called back. There was this young girl talking to her relative. Her small talk was making me smile. She talked about trying to wear makeup but forgetting she had it on, how she smeared it around her eyes throughout the day and didn’t notice till later that night. Cute small talk that made me recall my days of trying it out. The lady next to me also couldn’t help but smile and giggle along. 

Her relative was called back and she sat there waiting. I say waiting, she was restless as any young person stuck in a boring waiting room would be. 

Then she got my attention and said, “you are really pretty.” I looked at her for the first time and as I said thank you, I was pierced by her radiant eyes. I immediately said, so are you. Her smile only captivated the room and I had to resist the urge to grab her face and tell her to never feel any different or believe any different. Because as she smiled and her eyes lit up with the truth in my words, I saw God’s love for her pulsing around the room.

Habit made me hold her gaze for a few seconds to let her know I meant it and then I looked back down at my book. As soon as I did. I felt the Holy Spirit tug on my heart whispering, “I thought we were being intentional?” So, as my eyes went back to look at her with my hand closing my book – it was all she needed. That split second of me deciding to be intentional with her. Questions shot out of her, smiles and laughter, it was like her heart just needed the platform. She retold her makeup story, asked if I wore it. We talked about books and movies. She even revealed a vulnerable part of her life most grown-ups wouldn’t share but she said it with such peace. I couldn’t help but to sit in awe of this young lady. We talked for maybe 5 minutes before I was called back. As I rose from my seat, I gave her the gentlest smile I could muster up answering her final question. Praying she would see everything I couldn’t say. Didn’t have time to say. I prayed that our simple conversation imparted a piece of God’s love and gentleness in her. I walked away believing that the light in her eyes and brightness of her smile would never be stollen or dampened by the enemy. I spoke a hedge of protection over her life, mind, body, and soul. I thanked God for giving me the opportunity to be intentional even though I was the one on the receiving end of a blessing and what a beautiful blessing it is when it comes from the heart of a child. 

The kingdom of God belongs to her, she is a radiant gift, a crown upon her mother’s head. And she is radically loved and blessed by her Father in heaven. And I am beyond blessed to have been able to sit in her presence. Beyond thankful my ears heard the voice of God and I didn’t resist my moment of vulnerability.

Don’t miss your moment of giving and receiving a blessing. Be intentional. Know others well. Love them well.

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