Encouragement,  Thoughts

What does it mean to be blessed?

What does it mean to be blessed? How are you blessed? What do you consider blessings to be?

From my own experience blessings are categorized as things people attain. A new job, a house, a baby, finances, things hoped for and so on. And although those are blessings of this life, what about the most important blessing we could have never imagined for ourselves, the blessing of forgiveness? To be more straight forward – the blessing of redemption! The Word tells us, “Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man against whom the Lord counts no iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.”(Psalm 32:1-2) God sent his only son to die on the cross so that we could have a means to a pardon. Jesus came not to condemn the world but to save it. God is a God of grace and with grace comes joy. Not just joy but joy forevermore. Before we confess our sins to God, we are hidden from him but when we confess our sins and turn away from our evil schemes, we become hidden in God. God’s kingdom is an upside-down kingdom. His kingdom forgives and welcomes the outcast with open arms. Where the world condemns and screams for justice the Lord says, you are forgiven and welcomed at my table. Jesus took on the cross willingly to be able to dine with us. Jesus declared righteousness on our behalf. He alone places this beautiful gift of righteousness on our shoulders and with him we enter heaven. 

Life can be full of suffering and it can be radiant in blessings but the one beautiful blessing that grants us an eternity in heaven can never be misplaced or stolen. It is the reason for a joy unshaken even in the midst of great suffering.  

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.

– Numbers 6:24-26

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