Encouragement,  Raw,  Thoughts

What has God revealed to you concerning your self worth?

For me, it has been simply that He loves me. All of me. The raw, intense parts of me that I can barely identify. I joke a lot, that no one would want to live inside my head. I think deeply and often cannot form a complete sentence because I cannot separate my thoughts from what I want to say aloud. Kind of like trying to chew gum, walk, and talk at the same time. I guess this comes from feeling things so deeply. A true example of this – At a party, I am trying not to cry while singing happy birthday. Yes, that is me every single time. Holding back tears while singing happy birthday. But God loves me, all of me. He saw my tear-stained face at birthday parties with a heart overcome while hanging on the cross. He saw me battling my own mind. He saw me pouring out my praise and worship in colors and waves. He saw how I pour out my heart in creativity and strive to be one with Him. He saw my hurt and disappointment. Jesus saw the depths of my sin. He saw my rebellion and stubbornness. He saw me for all that I am and still said, “I want her. I chose her. She is worthy of my love, all of my love. She is my Beloved.” 

All the doubts I have concerning myself. The deep parts of me that I go to war with. All the things about myself I struggle to be content with. All the things I do not have control over and cannot understand, He is there whispering, I am yours. It is not by a single act of mine; it is simply because He chose me. All that I am is found worthy in the eyes of my Beloved. Even in my short-comings and lack He is there saying to boast all the more gladly. I was chosen and handcrafted by the Lover of my soul. Who am I to tell my creator I am not worthy of His gentle touch when it is because of his touch that I am alive! Such a love cannot be misplaced or stolen. My worth is found in Jesus and every time I look upon myself, I am seeing more clearly the Bride he desperately desires. I am His and He is mine. All together lovely is my Savior and He calls me worthy. 

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